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10 Places Where You Can Sell Your Short Stories

Are you passionate about storytelling? Have you ever wondered if you can make money from your short stories? The answer is yes—you can sell short stories online and earn money doing what you love. This article explores how to monetize your writing talent, where to sell your short stories and the potential earnings from each platform.

Can you make money writing short stories?

Writing short stories can be a lucrative endeavor if you know where to sell them. Many online platforms offer opportunities for writers to monetize their work through direct sales, royalties, or contests. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting, there are avenues to turn your creative skills into income.

How is this done?

To make money writing short stories, finding the right marketplaces that accept submissions and pay for published work is crucial. These platforms range from self-publishing options to established literary magazines and websites that specialize in short fiction.

Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Identify Suitable Marketplaces: Research and identify platforms that align with your writing style and genre preferences. Consider whether you prefer self-publishing through platforms like Amazon KDP or submitting to established literary magazines and websites.
  2. Submission Guidelines: Each marketplace has specific submission guidelines that detail acceptable formats, word counts, themes, and genres. Adhering to these guidelines increases your chances of acceptance and publication.
  3. Build Your Portfolio: Establishing a portfolio of well-crafted short stories can enhance your credibility as a writer and attract more opportunities for publication. Start with smaller publications or contests to build momentum and gain experience.
  4. Networking: Engage with the writing community through online forums, social media, and writing workshops. Networking can lead to valuable connections, mentorships, and insights into new publishing opportunities.

Strategically navigating these marketplaces and opportunities allows writers to leverage their creative skills to generate income and advance their careers in the competitive world of short fiction.

Where’s the best place to sell your short stories?

When it comes to selling your short stories online and earning money, several platforms cater to different genres and styles. Here are 10 notable places where you can publish your short stories:

1. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

Amazon KDP provides a platform for writers to independently publish their short stories across diverse genres such as mystery, romance, and science fiction. Authors retain control over pricing and earn royalties ranging from 35% to 70% on each sale. This flexibility makes it an attractive option for writers looking to reach a broad audience without the traditional publishing hurdles.

2. Reader’s Digest

With its extensive readership, Reader’s Digest welcomes short stories that resonate with its positive and uplifting themes. Writers can earn approximately $100 per story, making it a rewarding venue for those who craft heartwarming and inspiring narratives.

3. The Threepenny Review

Celebrated for its literary excellence, The Threepenny Review offers up to $400 for exceptional fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and memoirs. It stands out as a prestigious platform that values both artistic merit and compelling storytelling.

4. Flash Fiction Online

Specializing in succinct narratives under 1,000 words, Flash Fiction Online accepts a wide range of genres including science fiction, fantasy, and literary fiction. Writers can expect around $80 per story, making it an accessible avenue for those skilled in concise storytelling.

5. Barrelhouse

Barrelhouse embraces diverse voices and unconventional styles in its publication of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. It compensates writers up to $50 per published piece, providing an opportunity for authors to showcase their unique perspectives.

6. Medium

Through its Partner Program, Medium offers writers a chance to earn income based on the engagement their stories receive. Payments are variable and depend on factors such as reads and claps, making it a dynamic platform for writers to connect directly with their audience.

7. Duotrope

Duotrope serves as a valuable resource for writers seeking publication opportunities. As a subscription-based service, it connects writers with publishers and provides comprehensive listings and submission statistics. This helps writers navigate the competitive landscape and find the right markets for their stories.

8. Strange Horizons

Focused on speculative fiction like sci-fi and fantasy, Strange Horizons pays competitive rates for fiction, poetry, and non-fiction contributions. Payments vary by genre and piece, offering writers a chance to explore imaginative worlds and innovative storytelling.

9. The New Yorker

Renowned for its rigorous editorial standards, The New Yorker publishes fiction and poetry of exceptional quality. It offers competitive rates for selected pieces that meet its exacting criteria, making it a prestigious platform for established and emerging writers alike.

10. Analog Science Fiction and Fact

As a leading publication in the realm of science fiction, Analog pays up to $0.10 per word for short stories, serialized novels, and fact-based articles exploring scientific concepts. It provides a substantial opportunity for writers to delve into speculative themes and scientific inquiry.

Is writing short stories a good opportunity?

Writing short stories offers a flexible and creative way to earn income, making it ideal for writers looking to supplement their earnings or establish a writing career. It’s particularly suitable for those who enjoy crafting concise narratives and exploring different genres.

Short stories can be a stepping stone to longer fiction or serve as standalone works that showcase your storytelling abilities. They allow writers to experiment with diverse themes, characters, and narrative techniques in a compact format. This flexibility not only nurtures creativity but also hones writing skills by focusing on concise storytelling and impactful prose.

Moreover, the accessibility of online platforms and literary magazines broadens the reach of short stories, connecting writers with global audiences and potential opportunities for recognition and publication. Whether you’re a seasoned author or just starting, writing short stories can provide a platform to build your portfolio, gain exposure, and earn income from your creative efforts.

For aspiring writers, exploring the world of short fiction offers a low-risk entry into the publishing industry, where perseverance and quality storytelling can lead to rewarding opportunities and a growing readership.

Sell your short stories to the right places

Selling your short stories online can be fulfilling both creatively and financially. When you select platforms that match your writing style and genre preferences, you increase your chances of earning money from your literary works. Whether you choose self-publishing or submit to well-known magazines, each platform provides distinct opportunities to showcase your talent and connect with a wider audience. Begin exploring these online avenues to sell your short stories today and start transforming your passion for writing into a profitable venture.

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